Chow was constructed through the User Experience and Interface Design certificate program I took through the University of Washington. I conducted user research, interviews, created wireframes, sitemaps, style guides, and mood boards. Culminating in a final Figma prototype of Chow.

Role:    User Research, User Experience Design, User Interface Design & App Design  
Tools:    Figma, Axcure, Balsamiq, Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, & Adobe Premier
Date:    2020
The Problem
America is still one of the least healthy nations in the world. Most of the food we eat are packed with empty calories that make us crave more instead of consuming nutrient-rich foods that our bodies recognize when we have eaten enough. The benefits of eating whole foods instead of vitamins and supplements is clear, but which foods and how much? How might we help people get 100% of their daily nutritional needs met through whole foods every day without taking supplements?
Focus of problem space 
Time, convenience, aggressive marketing and influences from people are major factors that lead people to a path of unhealthy eating.

The Goals 
Giving everyone their daily nutrition through whole food options in an easy and positive way to encourage better choices at all levels.
We can find unique solutions to remove the barriers that prevent people from maintaining a diet centered around whole foods.
For people with unhealthy diets, we can set them on a path for success with education and better choices. For the time-crunched, we can help them organize and plan. For the health-focused, we can encourage them to keep going and help them with variety in their choices.

The Solution
Create an engaging platform that takes the thinking out of eating and cooking healthy. Allowing for the user to keep their normal habits with small adjustments creating ultimately a healthier lifestyle by. Creating an app that helps users eat healthier through:
1.   Giving users healthier recipe options, which fit their lifestyle.
2.   Providing users with healthiest options at restaurants.
3.   Create an engaging platform for all types of food lovers.​​​​​​​
Behavioral archetypes
User Research and interviews allowing me  to create behavioral archetypes. This allowed for me to better understand the situation, opportunity, and pain points of users getting 100% of their daily nutritional needs met through whole foods. 
Site Map/WireFrame
Site Map
Site Map
Home Page - Wireframe
Home Page - Wireframe
Recipe Home Page - Wireframe
Recipe Home Page - Wireframe
Recipe Page - Wireframe
Recipe Page - Wireframe
Recipe Nutrition Page - Wireframe
Recipe Nutrition Page - Wireframe
Grocery List Home Page - Wireframe
Grocery List Home Page - Wireframe
Restaurant Home Page - Wireframe
Restaurant Home Page - Wireframe
Style Guide
Style Guide
Style Guide

Final prototype
An app which takes the struggle out of grocery shopping and dining out. This is done through creating grocery shopping lists, which are specifically curated to your profile and dependent on what recipes you want to cook that week, automatically adding the items from the recipe to your grocery list. The grocery list is then linked to your online pantry allowing for Chow to know what items you have purchased and what items you still need. When dining out Chow helps you eat healthier by highlighting the healthiest options of the restaurant and the nutrition facts of the dish you choose. When dining out and choosing a recipe Chow gives you healthy substitutions for the dish or recipe, increasing the amount of wholefoods and nutrients the user receives. Through this users receive a full 360 experience of healthier eating, for any dining experience.
Click Photo for tutorial video → 
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